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A broken zipper can keep your tent flap from closing or your gear bag from opening not an ideal situation. The typical culprit is the innocent-looking zipper slider. Now with the Zipper Repair Kit by Gear Aid you have the power to fix any troublesome zipper. The kit contains an assortment of zipper sliders a sewing kit and a gear repair manual — everything you need to perform emergency in-field or at-home zipper repairs. Don t throw away expensive outdoor gear or let an adventure go bust because of a broken zipper. Repair it fast and make it last with the Zipper Repair Kit by Gear Aid.
In 1971, a group of climbers, skiers, and outdoor enthusiasts established/founded Oregon Mountain Community (OMCgear) in Portland, Oregon.
Today, OMCgear continues to provide the best gear, service, and shopping experience to our customers.
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