Coghlan'S Pop-Up Camp Trash Can

Sale price
Color:Green & Navy
Size:19 x 24
Only 1 left in stock!


Camping off of the beaten path, offers one solitude and serenity, while takes away the certain things we can take for granted at populated campsites. Such as restrooms and garbage. Instead of showing your environment your footstep, clean up after your self with this easy-to-store garbage can. Throw your trash away your whole trip, then once you dispose of your garbage properly, push rings down to collapse state, and Velcro to secure. It can even slide below a seat for easy traveling! The future residents of your campsite will appreciate your cleanliness, as will mother nature.
  • Lightweight
  • Handy trash can to have around the campsite, RV, or motor home
  • Spring loaded
  • Simple to use
  • Unzip to expand
  • Push down flat to close and secure with the Velcro straps for easy storage
  • Made of heavy duty polyethylene fabric
  • Fully zippered top
  • 2 web strap carry handles
  • Fits any standard 33 gallon (125 liter) trash bag
  • Size: 19" diameter x 24" height

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