Atomic Backland Pure

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Simple, capable, and user-friendly. The Backland Pure Binding has a combination of features that folks have been eager to see for a long time. Hauling around excess weight in an overly complicated binding isn’t anybody’s favorite activity, and Atomic is here to simplify things. The toe piece screams "work smarter, not harder", utilizing a long lever to increase leverage during transitions. Naturally, it offers the efficiency of a tech binding on the uphill. Socket-clearing toe pins help clear out ice and debris. A patented step-in aid helps guide the boot into the binding. An integrated Dynafit-style crampon receptor minimizes additional parts to lose, break, or buy. In a word: perfect. The heel piece sits on a threaded adjustment track to accommodate multiple boots so your jealous friends can take a spin. Turn the heel piece 90° for a flat mode to make long approaches friendlier. Two risers flip down so no-matter the terrain, you’ll be at an efficient climbing angle. Best of all, you have your choice of three release settings by means of a spring swap. Simply unscrew the spring cartridge and replace it with the men’s, women’s, or expert springs included in the box. This uniquely changes both the lateral and vertical release values. The Atomic Backland Pure is a capable binding that suits just about every backcountry skier’s fancy.

  • Includes three different lateral & vertical release springs: men’s, women’s, and expert.
  • Patented Step-In Aid makes enables you to put your skis on with your eyes closed.
  • Three total riser heights include a flat mode and two beautifully machined lifters.
  • A 30mm adjustment track accommodates your beef boot and your race boot.
  • The leash (+28g) can be used to measure the heel gap for in-the-field adjustment.

If you decide to add brakes later, you can. Alternately, buy them together at a discount.

Note: This binding accepts both Plum and Dynafit crampons, though with the latter the included crampon keeper clip must be used to prevent any lateral movement during use.

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